Saturday, October 24, 2009
I'm finally blogging :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Leaves are falling, but spring is soon to come
They have been a blast. The Heildelburg tournament wasn't too bad. The weather was kind of questionable and it was pretty cold in the mornings, but nothing too hard to handle. We're golfers. Come on. We can do anything.
Include survive coach's daughter in the swimming pool (in which Sam wore a bra. Thank God). Taryn is a little bundle of energy. Rebecca was yelling at me because I would let her win during pickle in the middle. Yes, Sam. PICKLE in the middle. Not monkey. But she was a lot of fun when she wasn't splashing water in my face and doing cannonballs right next to me. Like I said. Bundle of energy.
But aside from that, I've really started to enjoy our long car rides and hotel stays. They're actually a lot of fun, especially when we're in the middle of nowhere and we see goats chained up in people's front yards. We must note that that will probably be Caci in a few years.
I'm looking forward to this weekend and playing over in Erie despite the cold weather and craziness that that will be.
But now I must go off to do homework before practice. I have a fiction paper, english questions, and religion questions due tomorrow. Good stuff. And I'm going to see the Naked Plays tonight! Yay!
And....last but definitely not least...HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Great Weekend <3
So we have had two fun weekends away at golf tournaments!!!! This weekend we were at Heidelberg and last weekend we were at JCU and Muskingum. I really am proud of the team and the 1st and 2nd place wins that we just pulled off and I know that we will continue to do well. If there has been one thing that I have learned from playing golf in college is that you cannot let one bad hole ruin a round. Coach tells me this AT LEAST once a day! Being on the road with the team has been soooo much fun! You never know what could happen with the seven of us traveling in big red and staying in the LUXURIOUS Hampton hotel for a night. In big red there is Caci and Emily sleeping in the back, Nicole and I rocking out to “Party in the U.S.A” and “She Wolf” in the middle, Brooke and Sarah repin’ in the first row, and coach and Sam guiding us in the front. “Oh Mah Gawd” (lol) traveling with the team is amazing and I am so sad that we only have one more weekend until the spring season is over :(
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Par 3 of Death and More!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
why i never listen to coaches...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
soooo we have had a couple practices so far and they have already been eventful.....on friday we were playing with hearing and seeing lightning and thunder every 2 seconds. I saw the lightning first and everyone though I was just going crazy lol! Coach insisted that we were okay because the siren never went off. however we found out on probably the fourth hole that there was a tornado watch a couple miles away, we finally made the decision to get out of there so we packed 6 people onto 1 golf cart and i freaked out the entire way back to the car hahahaha but everything turned out okay. We have also had our team pictures in our sharp new golf shirts and matching shoes. So far i have had soososos much fun with all of the girls and i love everyone! I have a feeling that the rest of the season is going to be really fun and wild!!
Blood Thirsty Branches
So..there's this one hole in Creekwood that we have dubbed the Par 3 of DEATH!! Lol. XD But anyway, it is my duty to tell you my experience on it. I'm sure you'll find it entertaining.
Day one of the tournament and I got off to a good start and I'm just going along until I get to the Par 3of DEATH. I hit my first ball, which goes right and into the woods. So I hit a provisional which ends up just off the back of the green. I'm thinking that that's okay. I'll just shoot for double, because that's all I could get with a chip and one putt.
So we go over and start looking for my ball. Which we find. Not out of bounds. Which would have been perfectly fine with me. But it is down in this ditch right by a tree root. And I get to hit it out. So I'm like okay. Let's try this. Then...CRACK! My club hits the root and I don't see where the ball goes. (The next day, the girl I was playing with thought I broke my wrist when I hit the root. Lol.) But then I hear it bounce on the cart path behind me and see it bounce further into the woods. Great.
So my ball is further in the woods surrounded by a ton of branches. Small, very sharp branches. I wedge my way into them and try to uncover my ball by throwing the branches aside, and I finally got it somewhat cleared away. So I try a practice swing. I can't take the club straight back. I can only pick up up and basically karate chop the ball. And to my amazement, this works, and the ball pops out into the middle of the fairway, safely.
I chipped the ball up and to my excitement, one putted. I got away with my double in a very odd fashion.
But the best part of the story is when I looked at my legs. Four scratches on my legs from the branches that actually drew blood! Yup. The Par 3 of DEATH is really blood thirsty. And it got me. Oh well. The next day I parred and was happy. So I got back at it.
Alright. You've heard my experience. Good luck. I really think they should put a sign over there that says "Abandon all hope ye who play this hole."
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tournament One
See...I'm nervous and so excited tho. I'm excited to jump into the college golf world. It's great. I want to do well but still make friends. I think that's very possible, especially with the girls on the team. The team is so nice and I think we're ready to take this challenge on. I look forward to tomorrow and to see how well we're going to do.
Go Jackets!
It's Golf Season :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The First Week
Friday, August 14, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Brooke's Summer
First of all, my summer this year has been pretty boring. A lot of it has been going to graduation parties, hanging out with my boyfriend, working, and golfing. I think the best event of my summer has been a highlighter party. It was so cool. We would draw on each other in highlighter under a blacklight, and it looked so awesome! My friends and I like doing random stuff like that. But aside from that, I've been shopping around for stuff to bring to my dorm and working so I could pay for it. My job's not that bad, either. Let me tell you, florists are an interesting group of people. Lol.
That's about it for my summer, but why did I choose BW? I actually didn't want to at first, if you can believe it. My dad actually told Coach not to call because I wasn't interested in the school. XD Go figure. But the more I looked at it and after visiting a couple of times, I realized that it really was a cool place. All of the people that I talked to loved the place, plus my favorite English teacher from high school got her degree here. The campus is really nice, and I really enjoyed talking to the students about classes and what they were like. I wanted to come to a place that would seem like a family, and I think this is the best place for that to happen.
And I hope the golf team will be a nice little family of its own. I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you and to an awesome golf season!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Long Road to BW
Hi everyone! I hope your summer is FANTASTIC and everything is going well!!! So basically “why I choose BW” is a VERY long story, but it began with me visiting about 16 schools, applying to 11 and still not knowing where I wanted to go. The first time I stepped on BW’s campus it didn’t really click with me and I put it on the back burner. Then I started getting interested in playing golf and coach called me and we began talking about coming on campus and taking another tour. After that day I COULDN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!!!! In the end it came down to Wittenberg and BW where everything seemed similar. I eventually stayed on campus one night with Sam and realized that BW felt like home. I love everything about it and can’t wait to be with the team. In high school I had to play on the boy’s team and that got really old, so FINALLY I will be on a girls team and I couldn’t be more excited!! This year is going to be great and I am proud to call myself a yellow jacket!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Summer and Why I Chose B-W!
Monday, May 11, 2009
I also wanna thank you coach, for putting up with all my crap haha. I know that I can be difficult at times, but thanks for working with me. :) And always being there for us!
Dont forget,
You can pay for school but you cant buy class! :-)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Thanks Ladies!!
First, I have to recap our OAC Conference Championship tournament. Our goal at OAC’s was to finish 3rd as a team. The top 2 teams, Otterbein and Ohio Northern, were in the top 20 in the nation so no one was catching them this year (notice I said this year!). So our goal was to be the best of the rest and finish 3rd in the conference. The great thing about setting that goal is the whole team completely bought into it and it was the big motivating force of our spring season.
Unfortunately we did not reach that goal. However, what I liked the best about how the team handled not reaching our goal was that they didn’t make any excuses. We lost our overall #3 and #4 best scorers for the year due to injury and early graduation. We also had a rough weekend at OAC’s where not everyone had the type of rounds they thought they should have. But yet there was never an excuse made. They just kept fighting through the adversity and really believed they could still reach their goal.
Sometimes when you go through a season you are so caught up in it that you don’t take time to realize what all is happening. That’s why it’s great to have an end of the year get-together or dinner to kind of wrap everything up. We did that as a team as we had a team dinner at Macaroni Grill. It was so great to look around and see just how much this team really got along. They laughed and shared stories of the season and had a great time together. The underclassmen even got the seniors some gifts which was really nice. From the words expressed to each other, and just the overall feeling of the night, it was very apparent that this team had grown very close as a team.
Honestly, I couldn’t be more proud of our team for all they accomplished and how far they have brought the program in just one short year. Our biggest thing to do this year was to change the culture of women’s collegiate golf at BW. We weren’t as concerned with how we did golfing this year because we had so much adversity to overcome, but we did want to change the overall culture inside the golf program. We needed to be more disciplined; more committed; and take more pride in being a golfer on the BW women’s golf team! These ladies not only reached that goal, but they exceeded it. They have laid a GREAT foundation for the future of the program which is so very important!
Less than 10 years ago the team was back to back conference champs and finished in the top 10 in the nation. It’s our goal to get the program back to that point! The ladies this year have taken care of changing the culture inside the program, which I think was a HUGE part in the fact we were able to recruit a very good freshmen class. The team worked very hard at making sure that recruits saw what they were all about and where we were headed as a golf program. I expect this momentum in recruiting to continue as we head into recruiting another very good class with 2010 graduates! The future looks VERY bright for the golf program here at BW!
Thanks for a GREAT year ladies!! As the BW women’s golf program continues to grow and improve, I want you to be able to look back at this year and see what a huge difference you all have made to make the program better. You should take great pride in the fact you did the hardest part of building a program, which is to lay the foundation for success. It might not have shown up in our win-loss record, or where we finished at OAC’s, but it will show up in the future success of the program. And you all were a BIG part of the reason that BW women’s golf will be back on top! Thanks Ladies….you are the best!!
Coach Strickland
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Some Pictures From OACs!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Pink Nailed Golfers.. We're Comin' in HOT!
It will be sad leaving such a great team. We have really bonded this year and have really come together as a golf team. The new coach has really put some structure into the team which I think we needed. I know that the team will only improve from here...i just wish i had more time to spend.
So over all golf this weekend was great. Coach was sick but he hung in there. We had a great time at Mr. Lees (we ate there) and hanging out in the hotel room. Ali had a great time at PROM :) and we all got our nails painted bright pink for the last day of OACs. I don' t think that really helped me at We have the team dinner on Thursday and are going to get shirts that say coming in hot before we leave from summer. :) Ok thats all I got for right now!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Comin in hot!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
keep it realllllllllllllllll.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
soo we get lost sometimes..
Today we are going to The Big Met to golf, should be a good time considering there was always a ton of geese to chase around and a ton of poop that they leave behind for us to walk in. hahah, but its mostly fun chasing them.
This weekend, Saturday and Sunday we have a tournament in Wittenberg at Windy Knoll. We love all the huge fake horses that are all over the course. and last time i actually hit one with my ball, true story. hahah, but we also all shot a career low there last time we played there in the fall, so hopefully we will do good and hopefully coach wont put us in a murder motel (a hotel that the doors open to the outside) hahah. It never really bothers me, but the pretty princesses cant handle it and get scared. lol go figure.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
My Spring Break Experience!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
More Pictures and Stufffffff
But here's some more pictures from Spring Break :)

St. Leo && us (Lindsey, Caci, Nicole, Lydia & Ali)

Nicole, Lindsey && Lydia. apparently I'm a creeper :)

Lydia && Lindsey (a.k.a. The Seniors, a.k.a. The Mighty Ducks)

Nicole, Ali && Caci (a.k.a. The Pretty Princesses)
oh && there representin' UNC :)

The Team at dinner, where we ate gator tail.
Front: Nicole, Lindsey && Lydia.
Back: Caci && Ali

Before going to dinner. looks like we got some sun :)
Nicole, Lindsey, Ali, Lydia && Caci

Layin' out at the pool. The rafts were the best idea ever.
-Keep it real-
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
It's Winter Again!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Capital Tourny
Oh && the mighty ducks got the pretty princesses back for bragging about their win in the putting contest, we gave them a 4am wake up call at the hotel, which scared them, go figure :) lol. hahah.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Some Pictures
And because coach told me to write about of Spring Break Trip i will :) We went to Florida and stayed in the Crystal Rivers area, we did alot of fun things besides golfing. Me & Lydia went kyvacking with the manatees, it was pretty sweet, even though they are huge, we also layed out in the sun everyday we were there :) But the best part of the trip by far as Rick Kelso ;) haha. He was the pro that helped us out on our games while we were down there, we also played a match against St. Leo, they were pretty cool, so it was fun.
Today we tryed to played at mastik woods and the little bit but they were packed for some reason, but we had a fun time watching some of the people tee off, while we waited to tee off. But the wait was too long and we just went to The Big Met to practice putting in chipping. Where, the pretty princesses (Nicole, Caci & Ali) beat the Mighty Ducks (Lydia & Me, oh and coach) haha we are blaming the loss in the putting contest on coach, even though he did sink one in the end. hahaha.
Tommorrow & Saturday we play at Capital and spend the night, should be a good time, plus it should be a good time for us to bond even more & continue to make a million inside jokes :)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Second Tournament Coming Up!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Can't wait to see how we do this week!!